Jasper County, Iowa

Discover Hope Annual Blessings Banquet

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You're invited!!

We are quickly approaching our Annual Blessings Banquet, and you are invited! We would be honored and appreciate your attendance at this once-a-year event, which keeps the doors of Discover Hope open and operating at the capacity God has called us during this season. We can't wait to share some great news and celebrate what the Lord has done this past year at Discover Hope 517. If you cannot attend, we would appreciate your prayers of support for the upcoming ministry year.

"Getting Ready by Giving Hope" is this year's theme. We hope you will consider partnering with us as God continues to bless the Newton community with hope as the harvest approaches. Join us in this life-giving and sustaining ministry that God has blessed our community with.

As a follower of the Lord, you may have recently felt an urgency to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. We have seen an influx of people walking into our doors feeling hopeless but leaving with hope. We can't continue to do that without you!

We are pleased to announce that Restoration House is now open. We are excited to share some updates at our Banquet, as the Lord has been bringing in residents and applicants to this life-changing program for men. We believe this is just the beginning of what God is doing in and through DH517.Get ready to indulge in delicious food and enjoy uplifting fellowship. Join us in worship and celebrate how God is working miracles at Discover Hope 517 ministry. 

Don't forget to bring a friend along! **Pre-registration is required, and you may do so by following the link: https://tithe.ly/event-registration/#/9143820

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