Base Bay

A Very Folksy Selichot

Sat, 28 Sep 2024
07:30 PM


Every year on the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah, Jews gather to sing and pray a powerful liturgy, called Selichot, that draws on the themes of the high holidays and sets the mood for the season of reflection and repentance. Join us for our take on this night of prayer: havdallah and a folksy singalong in our back yard! Hits may or may not include:

Blowin’ in the Wind | R’ R. Zimmerman (Bob Dylan)Chicago | Sufjan StevensAdon HaSelichot | Hallelujah | Leonard Cohen Z”L

Here's a playlist we've been putting together. 

This event is inspired by our friends at Base ANVL (in Chicago) <3 

Want to learn more:

According to R’ Rachel Barenblatt, “The word "selichot" means "pardons," and can refer to the series of teshuvah-related (repentance / return - related) prayers which we recite during the Days of Awe. It can also refer -- as it does in this instance -- to the service which begins the High Holiday season, on the Saturday evening before Rosh Hashanah, during which we begin singing some of those prayers once again for the first time in a long while. – Rabbi Rachel Barenblatt”

Sefardi communities recite these prayers every morning during the month of Elul. In Ashkenazi communities the custom developed to sing these late into the night as the final shabbat of the year goes out (that's what we're doing!).

Access + Covid Notes

  • We understand access as an ongoing process & conversation; we're excited to work with our community to be maximally welcoming.
  • This event will be outside & mask optional. We will have heaters set up and blankets for those who need another layer.
  • There are about 6 steps into our house, where the bathroom is located. We are in the process of arranging a more accessible entrance - if you would benefit from this please let us know when you register and we will be in touch about the best way to meet your needs. Thanks for your patience as we work to make our house more physically accessible.
  • We minimize the use of scents in our house and ask that you do the same when visiting.

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